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Notice New health guideline for entry to Korea – Submission of either Q-CODE or health declaration for those who have visited (stayed in or traveled through) Texas.


Since Texas is included in the current list of key quarantine management areas, individuals who have visited (stayed in or traveled through) Texas must submit either the Q-code or a health declaration upon entering South Korea. 

Strict quarantine inspection required areas (Key quarantine management areas):

  • -Asia (3): Mongolia, Cambodia, China (Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Sichuan Province, Zhejiang Province, Fujian Province, Chongqing Municipality)

  • -Middle East (13): Lebanon, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Qatar, Kuwait

  • -Africa (2): Madagascar, Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • -America (2): United States (Michigan, Colorado, Texas), Mexico

  • -Europe (1): United Kingdom


Q-CODE Entry Method

Access “qcode.kdca.go.kr” -> Agree to the Terms and Conditions -> Enter personal information, entry and stay information, and health condition -> QR code issuance


*Additionally, individuals who enter South Korea after visiting quarantine management areas, other than key quarantine management areas, must also submit either the Q-CODE or a health declaration form if they exhibit symptoms such as fever.


*Detailed information regarding key quarantine management areas and quarantine management areas can be found in the attached file.
