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[쿠웨이트] 송근호대사/Kuwait Times, Daily Star/기고문

송근호 주 쿠웨이트 대사


Ambassador's Message


Song Keun-ho


Ambassador of the Republic of Korea



On behalf of the Korean compatriots in Kuwait, I would like to express the deepest appreciation for the warmest welcome and hospitality rendered by His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and people of the State of Kuwait to the President of the Republic of Korea, H.E. Roh Moo-hyun on March 26-27.


 Although the Korean President's visit to Kuwait is the first time since the establishment of their diplomatic ties in 1979, the two countries have continuously developed a close cooperative relationship for 27 years.


I believe that this warm welcome from the Kuwaiti Government and people reflects this amicable and friendly relationship between the two countries that runs deep and is as strong as ever.


Although Korea and Kuwait are located at the ends of the Asian continent and more than 10 hours distant from each other by airplane, our ties with the Arab region in general date back more than a thousand years when Arab merchants reached the ancient Korea in the 9th Century.


Today's strong friendship between the two countries is, in my view, derived from this historical bond. In a more recent history, we came to the assistance to Kuwait when it was in dire difficulty from the Gulf War and we have actively joined the efforts of Kuwaiti people to develop their nation into the hub of this Gulf region.


Up to now, Korea and Kuwait have established the strategically important partnership, especially in the fields of energy and construction. Kuwait has always been a reliable and stable supplier of oil to Korea and Korea is the second largest importer of Kuwaiti oil. In the field of construction, many Korean construction companies, who have world-class expertise, have actively participated in the major construction projects in Kuwait.


In addition to energy and construction, potentials for further collaboration in many other areas between the two countries are much greater in light of Kuwaiti natural resources, capital and economic diversification policy as well as the Korea’s experience in economic development and advanced technologies.


In this regard, the synergy between the two countries through further cooperation in many areas would work toward the benefit of Kuwait in successfully implementing projects pursued by the Kuwaiti Government such as the initiative to reconstruct Kuwait as a Financial and Commercial Center of the Gulf region and diversification of the economic structure.


I expect that the Summit Meeting between the President Roh and His Highness the Amir on March 26 would serve as a strong impetus to further strengthen the existing collaboration in energy, construction and also to broaden the horizon of cooperation to many other fields such as education, IT, science, technology, culture, sports  and tourism.


The Summit Meeting also will provide an opportunity to confirm the common ideals of democracy, free market system and identical stances on many important international issues of common interests to our two nations and to reaffirm that the advancement of bilateral ties in the 21st century will not only bring mutual beneficialities to both countries but also contribute to the stability and prosperity in their own regions.


I firmly believe that the State Visit of our President Roh Moo-hyun will provide a timely momentum for thousand years two friends to enter into "a new partnership" for the 21st century.


Finally, I would like to express my earnest hope for ever-deepening friendship and co-prosperity for Kuwait and Korea.


Thank you.

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